
14th Workshop Report

Dr. Mizuta gave the report of  the workshop “Modern Buddhism Architecture in Japan and its Linkage to Contemporary Asian Buddhism Movement:  Indian Ocean Network and Kyoto.”

Please click pictures.

The workshop program
Date: Saturday 12, March 2016
Venue: Seminar Room, 2F Inamori Building, Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University, 14-2 Yoshida-Shimoadachi Cho, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto Japan
Opening Remarks  15:30-15:40
Presentation 1  15:40- 16:20
Modern Buddhism Architecture in Japan and its Linkage to Contemporary Asian Buddhism Movement:  Indian Ocean Network and Kyoto
Kyota Yamada (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Kyoto University)
Presentation 2  16:20-17:00
Nawit Ongsavangchai (Assistant Professor, Chiang Mai University)
 Buddhism and Daily Life, Contemporary Living Environment in Thailand
Coffee Break  17:00-17:20
Presentation 3  17:20-18:00
Samitha Manawadu (Senior Professor, University of Moratuwa)
 Myths, Beliefs and Transformation of Sri Lankan Buddhist Monastic Living Environments
General Discussion 18:00-18:30
We also have a Kyoto Modern Buddhism Architecture Tour on Monday 14, March 2016.

Kyota Yamada (Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University  / National Institute for Humanity and Nature)

Dr. Mizuta's report 



第14回研究会案内_Buddhism and Contemporary Living Environment over Asia

Date: Saturday 12, March 2016
Venue: Seminar Room, 2F Inamori Building, Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University, 14-2 Yoshida-Shimoadachi Cho, Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto Japan
Opening Remarks  15:30-15:40
Presentation 1  15:40- 16:20
“Modern Buddhism Architecture in Japan and its Linkage to Contemporary Asian Buddhism Movement:  Indian Ocean Network and Kyoto”
Kyota Yamada (Specially Appointed Assistant Professor, Kyoto University)
Presentation 2  16:20-17:00
Nawit Ongsavangchai (Assistant Professor, Chiang Mai University)
 “Buddhism and Daily Life, Contemporary Living Environment in Thailand”
Coffee Break  17:00-17:20
Presentation 3  17:20-18:00
Samitha Manawadu (Senior Professor, University of Moratuwa)
 “Myths, Beliefs and Transformation of Sri Lankan Buddhist Monastic Living Environments”
General Discussion 18:00-18:30
We also have a Kyoto Modern Buddhism Architecture Tour on Monday 14, March 2016. 
Kyota Yamada (Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University  / National Institute for Humanity and Nature)
mAAN Studies

URL http://maanstudies.blogspot.jp/