
mAAN Studies 第6回研究会案内


mAAN Studies

日時: 2013719日(金) 14時から
会場: 京都大学稲盛財団記念館2階セミナー室213

Viewing Sri Lanka and Indian Ocean from a Perspective of Ghaus Moidheen Mawata, Colombo  -Dyanmisms of Mixture of Life World and Modern World

Kyota YAMADA (Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, Kyoto University)

Johannes WIDODO (National University of Singapore)

Colombo situating at the center of Indian Ocean is a historical hub of trade networks. Everyday lives in downtown Colombo are changing at a dizzy speed.

Using an approach of architecture that set space and time as a platform for world understanding, we can grasp a life world as a set of different places.

  First objective of the study is to depict dynamisms of everyday lives at the downtown from British colonial period through coming of nation state Ceylon to present through tracing histories and connections between a lane named Ghaus Moidheen Mawata where many people dwell and other surrounding places.

  What relations dose each life in Colombo as a micro activity have with Ceylon, Indian Ocean or Global macro events?

  Second objective is to consider theoretical framework to connect micro scale perspective and macro scale perspective and to present a perspective for contemporary world from a view point of everyday lives of Ghaus Moidheen Mawata.

